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Your private information has been stolen because of suspicious events.

Greetings! Would like to introduce myself - I am a specialized hacker, and have succeeded in hacking your operating system. At this moment, I have obtained a complete access to account of yours. On top of that, I was also unnoticeably observing all your activities and spying on you for few past months. It was possible because your computer was infected with malicious spyware, which infiltrated your computer while you were visiting a website containing adult videos. Give me a few minutes to clarify how that affects you. Because of Trojan viruses, I am now able to have an unrestricted access to your computer as well as any other devices owned by you. In other words, I can see without any restrictions everything in your screen and even activate the camera together with microphone anytime I want, and you won't even know about that. Moreover, I have complete access to confidential data of yours including emails, chat history etc. You may be rightfully puzzled how c...
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Your time is almost up.

Hello dear, There is no reason to relax at all but you don’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to read my message carefully. It is reallẏ important, moreoѵer, it’s crucial for you. Joking asiԁe, I mean it. ẏou don’t knoω ωho I am but I am more than familiar ωith ẏou. Probably, noẇ the only question that torments your mind is hoω, am I correct? well, your internet behaνior ωas ѵery indiscreet and I’m pretty sure, you knoẇ it ẇell. So ԁo I. ẏou were browsing embarrassing νideos, clicking unsafe links and νisiting ẇebsites that no orԁinary man ẇould ѵisit. I secretly embedded malware into an adult site, and ẏou unknoωinglẏ ωandered right into it. Just like a blind kitten, you ԁidn’t knoẇ the ԁanger that ẇas just near you. while ẏou ẇere bus...

Read this email or something terrible will happen.

<Good afternoon, my naive comrade.> <Unfortunately, this letter will divide your life into before and after.> <However, the good news is that it will teach you a lot.> <For example, what you can and can't do on the internet, how to treat your online security properly, and how not to leave digital footprints.> <Most likely, you have heard about Russian hacker groups such as Cozy Bear, Killnet and others. Well, we work for them.> <I hate to say it, but you have got in our mess.> <In addition to our hacking activities, we are also running on the lookout for various suspicious online accounts that we would like to make money on.> <We guess you are beginning to realize how we located you.> <All normal people have their own sexual preferences.> <However, what you are trying to find on the internet doesn't fit into any, even the loosest moral standards.> <Now we have your search requests and your webcam ...

For your own safety, I highly recommend reading this email.

Hello, You are in big trouble. However, don't panic right away. Listen to me first, because there is always a way out. You are now on the radar of an international group of hackers, and such things never end well for anyone. I'm sure you've heard of Anonymous. Well, compared to us, they are a bunch of schoolboys. We are a worldwide network of several thousand professionals, each with their own role. Someone hacks corporate and government networks, someone cooperates with intelligence agencies on the most delicate tasks, and someone (including me) deals with people like you to maintain the infrastructure of our group. "What kind of people like me?" - that is the question you are probably asking yourself now. The answer is simple: people who like to watch highly controversial and, shall we say, unconventional pornography on the internet that most normal people would consider perverted. But not you! In order to leave you without any doub...

>>> Your account is hacked. Your data is stolen. Learn how to regain access.

> Hi, > > I am a hacker, and I have successfully gained access to your operating system. > I also have full access to your account. > > I've been watching you for a few months now. > > The fact is that your computer has been infected with malware through an adult site that you visited. > If you are not familiar with this, I will explain. > Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device. > This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it. > I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence. > > Why did your antivirus not detect malware? > Answer: The malware I used is driver-based, I update its signatures every 4 hours. Hence your antivirus is unable to detect its presence. > I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and the right half shows the video you were watch...

I own very sensitive information about your web activities

Greetings!<br> <br> First of all, let me tell you, you are one of a kind!<br> It is hard to impress me because I have seen a lot in my career as a professional hacker but now I am really impressed. <br> <br> I will get straight to the point. Listen to me carefully. <br> <br> Several months ago, <br> I was able to hack your operating system and gain full access to all your devices and accounts including messengers, social media profiles, etc. <br> <br> I hope, now you begin to get my message. <br> It goes without saying that I gained access to what you type via keylogger, your internet activity and webcam streaming. <br> All of this was possible due to your frequent visits to adult websites infected with harmful malware. <br> In other words, you were under my microscope for many days like some kind of a little bug.<br> The only difference is that unlike you there is no bug in the world who ...

I own very sensitive information about your web activities

Greetings!<br> <br> First of all, let me tell you, you are one of a kind!<br> It is hard to impress me because I have seen a lot in my career as a professional hacker but now I am really impressed. <br> <br> I will get straight to the point. Listen to me carefully. <br> <br> Several months ago, <br> I was able to hack your operating system and gain full access to all your devices and accounts including messengers, social media profiles, etc. <br> <br> I hope, now you begin to get my message. <br> It goes without saying that I gained access to what you type via keylogger, your internet activity and webcam streaming. <br> All of this was possible due to your frequent visits to adult websites infected with harmful malware. <br> In other words, you were under my microscope for many days like some kind of a little bug.<br> The only difference is that unlike you there is no bug in the world who ...